2023-10-10: Mini Debate Marathon
Twelve one-on-one debates on light hearted topics for fun.
All may participate including visitors.
Be Our Guest!
Attendance is always free
Style: Mini Debate Marathon
7:30 WELCOME Opening address, introductions, question of the day.
7:45 CLUB BUSINESS Executive reports, new business, unfinished business, positions for next debate.
The government and opposition will face off to debate the resolution.
We hope you will join us at 7:30 on Tuesday, October 10th in the North Room, Jewitt Hall, Runnymede United Church, 432 Runnymede Rd. Toronto
7:50 Mini Debates
Speaker Sign up to volunteer
Time Keeper Sign up to volunteer
Mini-debates are a competition between two speakers, the Prime Minister and the responding Leader of the Opposition.
Guests and members sign up to debate any topic that is listed.
Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 2:00
Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 3:00
PM Summation: 1:00
The winner is chosen by a show of hands from the audience.
Sign Up Here to Participate (members only)
Your email address will not be published. All fields are required.
9:25 Epilogue Closing remarks and other business
Positions for next debate
9:30 Adjourn
To volunteer for a position you must be a member in good standing.
If you need to withdraw after you are listed on the agenda, you are responsible for finding a replacement.
Log in to see the members list
or contact us for help.