2015-11-03: Resolution: TBA Impromptu debate
7:30 Welcome Heather B: Opening address and introductions
7:35 Business Executive reports
7:40 Impromptu Jerry K.
8:10 Recess
8:20 Motion: Global warming is the world's most urgent issue
Impromptu debate Speaker David F. Time Keeper Anita Prime Minister 7:00 Dean G. Leader of the Opposition 7:00 Adrian H. Government Seconder 5:00 Gerry Opposition Seconder 5:00 Jonathan Summations 2:00 Opposition summation 2:00 Government summation Floor Participation Vote Comments and observations Adjudicator 7:00 Jerry
9:20 Result Award presentations: Adjudicator Popular vote Best debater(s)
9:25 Epilogue Closing remarks and other business Jerry K.: Positions for next debate
9:30 Adjourn Reconvene over at the Dark Horse Pub where we usually debate about who really won! Remember that we did not necessarily debate our own opinions tonight. We hope you will join us for this informal conclusion to the evening.