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Timing Debates & Impromptu Sessions


Regular Debate


Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 7:00

Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 7:00

Member of Government (MG) Constructive: 5:00

Member of Opposition (MO) Constructive: 5:00


Time Keeping:

For the above:


- Ding bell once at 6 minutes for a one minute warning, twice at 7 minutes to indicate time is up. There is a 15 second grace period for a debater to wrap up and return to their seat. 



- Ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes




LO Rebuttal: 2:00

PM Rebuttal: 2:00


Time Keeping:

For both of the above:

Ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes



Adjudicator: 8:00


Time Keeping:

- Ding the bell once at 7 minutes and twice at 8 minutes



Group Discussion: 2:00 per person


Time Keeping:

-- Ding bell once after 2 minutes.



Regular Debate with Points of Information (POI)

  • Points of Information can only be considered one minute after the speaker begins until one minute before they conclude.

  • Questions are limited to one point that must be made quickly and concisely within 15 seconds.

  • Time is not added on to the speaker's alotment for taking a point from the questioner.

  • The speaker must acknowledge the questioner with a response of yes, in a moment, or no. The latter can also be indicated with a wave of the hand. 



Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 7:00

Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 7:00

Member of Government (MG) Constructive: 5:00

Member of Opposition (MO) Constructive: 5:00


Time Keeping:

For the above:


- Ding bell once after one minute (to indicate points can be taken), once at 6 minutes (for a one minute warning and to indicate no more points can be taken), twice at 7 minutes to indicate time is up. There is a 15 second grace period for a debater to wrap up and return to their seat. 



- Ding bell once at one minute (to indicate points can be taken), once at 4 minutes (for a one minute warning and to indicate no more points can be taken), twice at 5 minutes to indicate time is up.




LO Rebuttal: 2:00

PM Rebuttal: 2:00


Time Keeping:

For both of the above:

Ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes


Group Discussion: 2 minutes per person (same as regular debate)


Adjudicator: 8:00.

- single warning bell at 7 minutes and double bell at 8 minutes to indicate time is up.



Cross-Examination Debate (aka Policy Debate)

In Cross-Examination (Policy) Debate, both sides of the resolution have an equal amount of time to present their arguments. The format is composed of twelve parts, each of which has a defined purpose and set of rules. Eight of these sections consist of "speeches" -- uninterrupted presentations by a designated speaker. The remaining four sections consist of "cross-examination" -- a series of questions and answers involving one speaker from each side.


The format of a Cross-Examination (Policy) Debate is as follows:



Affirmative 1
Affirmative 1 answers/Negative 2 asks

Negative 1

Affirmative 1asks/Negative 1 answers

Affirmative 2
Affirmative 2 answers/Negative 1 asks

Negative 2
Negative 2 answers/Affirmative 2 asks

Negative 1 Summation
Affirmative 1 Summation



  1. First Affirmative Constructive, 7:00

  2. First Negative Cross-Examination, 2:00

  3. First Negative Constructive 7:00

  4. First Affirmative Cross-Examination, 2:00

  5. Second Affirmative Constructive 5:00

  6. Second Negative Cross-Examination, 2:00

  7. Second Negative Constructive, 5:00

  8. Second Affirmative Cross-Examination, 2:00

  9.  First Negative Rebuttal, 2:00

  10. First Affirmative Rebuttal, 2:00


Time Keeping:

PM: ding bell once at 6 minutes, twice at 7 minutes
LO cross examines PM: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes

LO: ding bell once at 6 minutes, twice at 7 minutes
MG cross examines LO: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes

MG: ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes
MO cross examines MG: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes

MO: ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes
PM cross examines MO: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes


LO (summation): ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes

PM (summation): ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes


Group Discussion: 2 minute per person: ding bell once at 2 minutes


Adjudicator: 8 minutes.

- ding the bell once at 7 minutes, twice at 8 minutes


Mini-Debate Marathon

Mini-debates are a competition between two speakers, the Prime Minister and the responding Leader of the Opposition.



Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 2:00

Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 3:00

PM Summation: 1:00


The winner is chosen by a show of hands from the audience.


Time Keeping:

PM: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
LO: ding bell once at 2 minutes, twice at 3 minutes

PM: ding the bell twice at 1 minute

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