Timing Debates & Impromptu Sessions
Regular Debate
Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 7:00
Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 7:00
Member of Government (MG) Constructive: 5:00
Member of Opposition (MO) Constructive: 5:00
Time Keeping:
For the above:
- Ding bell once at 6 minutes for a one minute warning, twice at 7 minutes to indicate time is up. There is a 15 second grace period for a debater to wrap up and return to their seat.
- Ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes
LO Rebuttal: 2:00
PM Rebuttal: 2:00
Time Keeping:
For both of the above:
Ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
Adjudicator: 8:00
Time Keeping:
- Ding the bell once at 7 minutes and twice at 8 minutes
Group Discussion: 2:00 per person
Time Keeping:
-- Ding bell once after 2 minutes.
Regular Debate with Points of Information (POI)
Points of Information can only be considered one minute after the speaker begins until one minute before they conclude.
Questions are limited to one point that must be made quickly and concisely within 15 seconds.
Time is not added on to the speaker's alotment for taking a point from the questioner.
The speaker must acknowledge the questioner with a response of yes, in a moment, or no. The latter can also be indicated with a wave of the hand.
Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 7:00
Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 7:00
Member of Government (MG) Constructive: 5:00
Member of Opposition (MO) Constructive: 5:00
Time Keeping:
For the above:
- Ding bell once after one minute (to indicate points can be taken), once at 6 minutes (for a one minute warning and to indicate no more points can be taken), twice at 7 minutes to indicate time is up. There is a 15 second grace period for a debater to wrap up and return to their seat.
- Ding bell once at one minute (to indicate points can be taken), once at 4 minutes (for a one minute warning and to indicate no more points can be taken), twice at 5 minutes to indicate time is up.
LO Rebuttal: 2:00
PM Rebuttal: 2:00
Time Keeping:
For both of the above:
Ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
Group Discussion: 2 minutes per person (same as regular debate)
Adjudicator: 8:00.
- single warning bell at 7 minutes and double bell at 8 minutes to indicate time is up.
Cross-Examination Debate (aka Policy Debate)
In Cross-Examination (Policy) Debate, both sides of the resolution have an equal amount of time to present their arguments. The format is composed of twelve parts, each of which has a defined purpose and set of rules. Eight of these sections consist of "speeches" -- uninterrupted presentations by a designated speaker. The remaining four sections consist of "cross-examination" -- a series of questions and answers involving one speaker from each side.
The format of a Cross-Examination (Policy) Debate is as follows:
Affirmative 1
Affirmative 1 answers/Negative 2 asks
Negative 1
Affirmative 1asks/Negative 1 answers
Affirmative 2
Affirmative 2 answers/Negative 1 asks
Negative 2
Negative 2 answers/Affirmative 2 asks
Negative 1 Summation
Affirmative 1 Summation
First Affirmative Constructive, 7:00
First Negative Cross-Examination, 2:00
First Negative Constructive 7:00
First Affirmative Cross-Examination, 2:00
Second Affirmative Constructive 5:00
Second Negative Cross-Examination, 2:00
Second Negative Constructive, 5:00
Second Affirmative Cross-Examination, 2:00
First Negative Rebuttal, 2:00
First Affirmative Rebuttal, 2:00
Time Keeping:
PM: ding bell once at 6 minutes, twice at 7 minutes
LO cross examines PM: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
LO: ding bell once at 6 minutes, twice at 7 minutes
MG cross examines LO: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
MG: ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes
MO cross examines MG: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
MO: ding bell once at 4 minutes, twice at 5 minutes
PM cross examines MO: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
LO (summation): ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
PM (summation): ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
Group Discussion: 2 minute per person: ding bell once at 2 minutes
Adjudicator: 8 minutes.
- ding the bell once at 7 minutes, twice at 8 minutes
Mini-Debate Marathon
Mini-debates are a competition between two speakers, the Prime Minister and the responding Leader of the Opposition.
Prime Minister (PM) Constructive: 2:00
Leader of the Opposition (LO) Constructive: 3:00
PM Summation: 1:00
The winner is chosen by a show of hands from the audience.
Time Keeping:
PM: ding bell once at 1 minute, twice at 2 minutes
LO: ding bell once at 2 minutes, twice at 3 minutes
PM: ding the bell twice at 1 minute